Lesson 1
Government Abolished:
Anarchy or Happiness?
Does anarchy reign when human government is abolished? There is a real life example in our own history. Here is what was said in A Proclamation of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, January 23rd, 1776, after the Colonist found out it was just fine not to have wizards ruling them:
No effectual resistance to the system of tyranny prepared for us could be made without either instant recourse to arms, or a temporary suspension of the ordinary powers of government, and tribunals of justice: To the last of which evils, in hopes of a speedy reconciliation with Great-Britain, upon equitable terms, the Congress advised us to submit: And mankind has seen a phenomenon, without example in the political world, a large and populous colony, subsisting in great decency and order, for more than a year, under such suspension of government.
What they're telling us is that they were very happy to discover policemen, lawyers, judges, and law-makers were not needed at all to keep peace and good order in society. Other men wrote about this period in our history.
Thomas Paine was the foremost thinker behind the American revolution. He wrote a pamphlet called Rights of Man in 1792. In part two of the pamphlet he tells us how we have been tricked into thinking terrible things will happen if we don't have humbugs ruling us. He tells us of the same time when humbugs stopped ruling and everything was just fine. He explains why man's government is not necessary.
"Great part of that order which reigns among mankind is not the effect of government. It had its origin in the principles of society and the natural constitution of man. It existed prior to government, and would exist if the formality of government was abolished. The mutual dependence and reciprocal interest which man has upon man, and all parts of civilized community upon each other, create the great chain of connection which holds it together. The landholder, the farmer, the manufacturer, the merchant, the tradesman, and every occupation, prospers by the aid which each receives from the other, and from the whole. Common interest regulates their concerns, and forms their laws; and the laws which common usage ordains, have a greater influence than the laws of government. In fine, society performs for itself almost everything which is ascribed to government.
"If we examine, with attention, into the composition and constitution of man, the diversity of his wants, and the diversity of talents in different men for reciprocally accommodating the wants of each other, his propensity to society, and consequently to preserve the advantages resulting from it, we shall easily discover that a great part of what is called government is mere imposition.
"Government is no farther necessary than to supply the few cases to which society and civilization are not conveniently competent; and instances are not wanting to show, that everything which government can usefully add thereto, has been performed by the common consent of society, without government.
"For upward of two years from the commencement of the American War, and to a longer period in several of the America states, there were no established forms of government. The old governments had been abolished, and the country was too much occupied in defense, to employ its attention in establishing new governments; yet during this interval, order and harmony were preserved as inviolate as in any country in Europe.
"There is a natural aptness in man, and more so in society, because it embraces a greater variety of abilities and resources, to accommodate itself to whatever situation it is in. The instant formal government is abolished, society begins to act. A general association takes place, and common interest produces common security.
"So far is it from being true, as has been pretended,that the abolition of any formal government is the dissolution of society, that it acts by an contrary impulse, and brings the latter the closer together. All that part of its organization which it had committed to its government, devolves again upon itself, and acts through its medium.
"When me, as well from natural instinct, as from reciprocal benefits, have habituated themselves to social and civilized life, there is always enough of its principles in practice to carry them through any changes they may find necessary or convenient to make in their government. In short, man is so naturally a creature of society, that it is almost impossible to put him out of it.
"Formal government makes but a small part of civilized life; and when even the best that human wisdom can devise is established, it is a thing more in name and idea, than in fact. It is to the great and fundamental principles of society and civilization-to the common usage universally consented to, and mutually and reciprocally maintained-to the unceasing circulation of interest, which, passing through its million channels, invigorates the whole mass of civilized man-it is to these things, infinitely more than to anything which even the best instituted government can perform, that the safety and prosperity of the individual and the whole depends.
"...governments, so far from being always the cause or means of order, are often the destruction of it."
If you show your teachers or other grown-ups Thomas Paine's writings they will refuse to believe what he said even though it is the simple truth. Adults today have been lead to believe that government is the source of all good things. Thomas Paine was only telling the truth about historical facts. When we deny the truth we are left with a lie. Other men lived through that period.
We also have David Ramsey's eye-witness report of the effects of this abolition of human government in the colonies. From his Prelude to the American Revolution, 1765-1775, the section titled Massachusetts Provincial Congress:
Throughout this whole season, civil government, legislation, judicial proceedings, and commercial regulations were in Massachusetts, to all appearances, annihilated. The provincial congress exercised all the semblance of government which existed. From their coincidence, with the prevailing disposition of the people, their resolutions had the weight and efficacy of laws. Under the simple style of recommendations, they organized the militia, and made ordinances respecting public monies, and such further regulation as were necessary for preserving order, and for defending themselves against the British troops.
In this crisis, it seemed to be the sense of the inhabitants of Massachusetts to wait events. They dreaded every evil, that could flow from resistance, less than the operation of the late acts of parliament; but, at the same time, were averse to be the aggressors, in bringing on a civil war. They chose to submit to a suspension of regular government, in preference to permitting the streams of justice to flow in a channel, prescribed by the late acts of parliament, or to conducting them forcibly in the old one, sanctioned by their charter. From the extinction of the old, and the rejection of the new constitution, all regular government was, for several months abolished. Some hundred thousands of people were in a state of nature, without legislation, magistrates or executive officers. There was, nevertheless, a surprising degree of order. Men of the purest morals were among the most active opposers of Great Britain. While municipal laws ceased to operate, the laws of reason, morality, and religion, bound the people to each other as a social band, and preserved as great a degree of decorum, as had at any time prevailed.
The law of reason is the same as the law of nature. The laws of morality and religion mean the same as the revealed law found in the Bible. God is the source of both the natural and the revealed law. When men are living under God's law they are living in God's Kingdom. This is is the meaning of the law of nature and of nature's God that we see in the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson. God's law is the basis for the American idea of government and the legal justification for American independence from Britain. See if you can find this period of American history, when all human government was abolished on the scale of government:
Man's rule (Man's Law) | <
TD>God's Rule
"I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government, enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments...."
(I would like to point out something very interesting. Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that among the rights the Creator has endowed us with are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What did he mean by happiness? Right here he tells us. He meant living without government. This is a very, very important point I hope you will remember. Very few people know this. Your teachers can not tell you because they don't know. All grown-ups today are surprised to learn that five years after the signing of the present Constitution, the men on the Supreme Court left no doubt that Americans were still free of government unless they chose to consent as the Declaration says:
The only reason, I believe, that a free man is bound by human law, is, that he binds himself. Upon the same principles, upon which he becomes bound by the laws, he becomes amendable to the courts of justice, which are formed and authorized by those laws. (Chishom vs.Georgia, 2 US(Dall) 419, 455).
So the Colonist pursued happiness and obtained it. The became happy by throwing of British rule. The government they established was really no government at all in the European sense, because it was voluntary. If we today want to be as happy as the Colonists, then we must abolish forced government, too. Now back to Jefferson's words...)
"...Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, and restrains the morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere. Among the latter, under pretence of governing, they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep. I do not exaggerate. This is a true picture of Europe. Cherish, therefore, the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. Don't not be too severe upon their errors, but reclaim them by enlightening them. If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall become wolves."
Girls, in the true picture of America, we now have a European style government. That simply means the state is believed to be sovereign just like in Europe. The state is believed to have total power. But of course the state is only a fantasy. It is really certain wolf-men who have claimed total power over their fellows, namely, congressmen, governors, judges and lawyers of all kinds. The same people we have been calling wizards, Jefferson called wolves. These wolf-men do bad things is the name of the state that they would never thing of doing in their own name. They try to hide from responsibility for their wrong-doing behind the fantasy of the state. They have come to believe that God's law does not apply to them when they play Wizards of America.
For example, President Ronald Reagan, in the name of the United States, sent men in airplanes to kill people in Libya. They thought that the leader of Libya had helped murder some innocent people, but later we learned it was really Syrians who did it. Wolf-men did whatever Ronald Reagan told them without question because it pays well and because they all pretended he is the most powerful wizard-The President. Many innocent people were killed. One of them was a little girl just a year and a half old. Mr. Reagan would never kill a little girl in his own name, but certain wolf-men told him it was fine to do in the name of the state. This is from an article in the newspaper about that murder:
Other sources said Gadhafi's family had been sought out because their deaths would lead to a loss of face for Gadhafi when he could not defend his own family. Gadhafi's wife and eight children were hospitalized, and the Libyans said a 15-month old adopted daughter of Gadhafi's was killed.
Before the bombings, a White House official said, State Department lawyers began to prepare a legal paper that argued that 'in the context of military action what normally would be considered murder is not.'
Girls, the State Department lawyers are wrong. Murder is murder in any context except in the administration of right and justice according to the laws of God. But even then mercy may require us not to murder.
In the name of the state, Mr. Reagan and other wolf-men tried to kill a whole family of innocent people in a far off country. Nine were badly injured and they actually killed a girl about the age of Rachael. Cold-blooded murder is a wolfish thing to do. It is not permitted by the laws of reason, morality and religion. This is lawlessness and anarchy under the guise of government. Why aren't they ashamed? Why doesn't someone speak up? Mr. Reagan and his wolf-men did a very bad thing all the while pretending that a legal paper could make it alright and pretending that the President of the United States is a very powerful wizard not restrained by God's law if they say right magic words. Girls, do you agree it is a very bad thing to kill little children? Can you tell where Ronald Reagan and his wolf-men are on the spectrum of government?:
Man's Rule (Murder babies) | God's Rule (Love babies) |
We are very fortunate to have these facts of history and the real truth about government from the words of the American colonists in Massachusetts Bay, Thomas Paine, David Ramsey and Thomas Jefferson. This is your first lesson. Learn it well, because without accurate facts we are unable to learn from history. We will draw wrong conclusions and make wrong decisions.
Lesson 2
Human Government:
Chaos and Conflict
Thomas Paine told us that human government is not the cause of peace and good order in society. He told us government is actually the cause of conflict, misery and disorder. Thomas Jefferson told us that it is our God-given right to pursue happiness which means life without government. More recently another man told us much the same thing.
Butler D. Shaffer is a professor at Southwestern University School of Law in Los Angeles. In his book, Calculated Chaos, we read in Chapter One, Our Well Organized Conflicts:
Briefly stated, the basic theme of this book is that institutions are the principal by which conflict is produced and managed in society. Peace is incompatible with institutional activity. Stated another way, the success of institutions depends upon the creation of those conditions in which personal and social conflict will flourish.
Through these groupings, we have helped to institutionalize conflict, to make it a seemingly permanent and necessary feature of human society. Such conflict has not resulted from mere accident or inadvertence, nor has it been the product of vicious or depraved minds. Rather, for reasons to be developed herein, conflict is a condition upon which the health and well-being of institutions is absolutely dependent. We have made an industry of human suffering and violence, the members of which have been institutions under the management of generally good and well-intentioned people. Through a variety of forms, we have put together very sophisticated organizational machinery for human manipulation, control and inflicted pain. We have systematized conflict and discontent, have spilled the blood of hundreds of millions of our fellows, and tortured and oppressed hundreds of millions more. We have formalized the practices that violate even our most relaxed standards of decent and responsible human conduct, and have loosed up human society a nearly universal spirit of fear, distrust, and animosity toward one another.
Every institution is a racket. Whether we are considering political, religious, economic, ideological, or educational institutions...
(He is talking about government, churches, banks and schools. The schools I went to and the one you are going to. He means the Russian government, the Iranian government, and government in America.)
...each is a formal, elaborate system designed for one purpose: To control people. Each seeks to persuade or compel individuals to divert their energies from the pursuit of private, personal objectives...(That's the same as the pursuit of happiness, a right given to us by our Creator.)...and to dedicate themselves to organizational purposes.
A major contributing factor to the conflict, misery, and disorder existing among people throughout the world has been our willingness to allow institutions to dominate our lives, to control and direct almost every facet of human activity, including our relationships with other people. We live our lives in unquestioning subservience to the demand of institutions, allowing them to pre-empt our own purposes and decision making in favor of their self-serving priorities.
My teachers never gave me a lesson on these things. Neither will yours. School is an institution and largely responsible for the chaos in society. If parent and children knew this there would soon be no boys and girls in school. Teachers would have no job. Teachers do not want to know anything about why there is chaos in society. Teachers want all children in their schools because then they get lots and lots of money. If you tell teachers, or most grown-ups that schools and governments and banks and churches are making things in the world worse, they won't listen to you because they like money very much. They would rather believe a lie than give up all that money.
Sometimes when children stay at home, teachers send the police to put their mom and dad in jail. This is part of the conflict, misery and disorder that schools cause. See if you can find where we now are on the spectrum of government:
Man's Rule (Chaos, conflict) | God's Rule (Peace, Good order) |
Lesson 3
True Faith and Allegiance:
To Whom is it Owed?
When I tell you that men, hiding behind the screen of the state, have claimed total power over their fellow men, it is really true. Wizards and wolf-men are fond of saying that the state is sovereign. Sovereign means everyone must do what the state tells them or go to jail. Sovereign is the power to create binding laws. Of course you know it's really just common men and humbugs who pretend to speak for the state as though it were a giant puppet. Really, God is sovereign. The state is only make believe. In the year 1930 here is what some of the biggest wizards in America said about their total power. These judges of the U.S. Supreme Court told us that the Wizards of America have the power to:
...compel the armed service of any citizen in the land, without regard to his objections or his views in respect of the justice or morality of the particular war or of war in general...speaking of the liberties guaranteed to the individual by the Fourteenth Amendment...he may be compelled, by force if need be, against his will and without regard to his personal wishes or his pecuniary interests, or even his religious or political convictions, to take his place in the ranks of the army of his country and risk the chance of being shot down in its defense. Unites States vs Macintosh, 283 US 605,624
That, dear children, is what is meant by total power. Now you are very young, but soon you will grow up and have families of your own. You know that Grandma Mary has four sons. Each of you may have sons, too. If the Wizards of America decide to have a war, they will take your sons away and make them join the army. They will be forced to kill men they don't even know. They may be killed themselves. Your little sons who are not yet born, but whom you will raise with love and car, will become cannon fodder sacrificed in the name of the state. By then maybe even daughters will be forced to go to war.
Any government which claims total power is called totalitarian. Americans usually think of Russia and China as totalitarian. Americans usually think of Russia and China a totalitarian. They have been tricked into thinking the United States is still a free country. It is not. Total power is total power, whether directed by a politburo as in Russia or by a representative democracy as in America. This is why all children must take the Pledge of Allegiance, so that as grown-ups they will not question the total power of humbugs. George Washington never took the Pledge. He gave his allegiance to God. A teacher started the Pledge in 1892. The fact that humbugs do not often exercise total power makes no difference. They claim the right to do so at any time, not just during war. Here is what it means to be a citizen of the United States today:
I hereby declare, an oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the armed forces of the United States when required by law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God." (Application to File Petition for Naturalization, Para 5.)
This is the oath of allegiance that people who want to become citizens of the United States must take. The oath of allegiance is merely and expanded version of the Pledge of Allegiance. All citizens are presumed to have taken the same oath. When it says renounce and abjure all allegiance that is meant to include allegiance to God as well. In the Bible we read that God claims to be sovereign over the whole universe, including Alaska and Idaho. There can only be one sovereign over a given area. Citizens have chosen the United States as sovereign and rejected God as sovereign. They have asked God to help them do that, as the oath and the pledge both say. God has helped them by giving them the big imaginations needed to live in the world of fantasy grown-ups have created. Can you find America's government on the spectrum:
Man's Rule (allegiance to Man) (Man has all power) | God's Rule (Allegiance to God) (God has all power) |
If you play Wizards of America by becoming a citizen, the rules now allow you to omit the promise to bear arms or perform noncombatant service:
If you cannot promise to bear arms or perform noncombatant service because of religious training and belief, you may omit those promises when taking the oath. (Ibid.)
This is a change since 1930, but it is not a right guaranteed by the Constitution. It is only by the grace of Congress (wizards and wolf-men) that citizens can claim a religious exemption from bearing arms. Human law can be changed at any time. If you promise to play there is no area in your life where you may keep God as your sovereign. In all areas the United States must be your sovereign. That includes giving true faith and allegiance to the law of humbugs over the law of God; and performing work of national importance under civilian direction not just in war time, but anytime the wizards decide it is a good idea. This is what is meant by slavery. If a humbug can tell you what to do and force you to do it, then you are his slave. The fact that he has not yet told you to do much of anything makes no difference. Russian humbugs claim no more power than this over their people. If you really want God for you sovereign, then you must reject the United States as sovereign.
Some of the big wizards understand the problem of giving allegiance to the state when you should give allegiance to God. In 1945, they said so:
The struggle for religious liberty has through the centuries been an effort to accommodate the demands of the State to the conscience of the individual. The victory from freedom of thought recorded in our Bill of Rights recognizes that in the domain of conscience there is a moral power higher than the State. Throughout the ages, men have suffered death rather than subordinate their allegiance to God to the authority of the State. Freedom of religion guaranteed by the First Amendment is the product of that struggle. As we recently stated...'Freedom of thought, which includes freedom of religious belief, is basic in a society of free men...'Girouard vs United States, 328 US 61, 68& 69.
Does the domain of conscience include only bearing arms in wartime? No, it includes every area of life. There is a moral power higher than the State in every area of life. Whether you choose to recognize that higher power is up to you. For the past three years I have peacefully lived according to a moral power higher than the state in all areas. I have no need or desire to believe in the state at all. The world-wide New Covenant theocracy provides all the government any man needs. The pursuit of happiness is not only the pursuit of life without human government, but the pursuit of life with God's government. The local humbugs become very upset when we pursue happiness. They send their wolf-men to stop us.
Now you know why I have renounced U.S. citizenship. First, I was tricked into pledging allegiance as a small child. Second, I refuse to be a slave when my King has set me free, indeed. Third, it is silly to pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth (the flag), to an invisible wizard (the republic), or to a constitution and other laws made up by men (fantasy laws written by humbugs). And most importantly, I can not renounce allegiance to my sovereign, God: the King, Law-giver and Judge of the World, in any area of life. This is happiness for me. Because of this I have been put in jail four times. Even so, I will continue to pursue happiness. I hope many, many others will join me. If the wolf-men will only obey the rule in the First Amendment about letting others recognize a moral power higher than the state, we will not be put in jail. I am a citizen of the Commonwealth of Israel whose ruler is the Messiah sitting on the throne of David that we read about in the Bible.
The ideal citizen of a totalitarian state is not one who fully supports communism or democracy. If congressmen, governors, judges and other wizards are to govern, it is most important that the distinction between fact and fantasy, and the distinction between true and false no longer exist. Such people can be told anything and they will believe because they have lost touch with reality and are unable to detect a lie. Turning out just this kind of citizen is the main goal of education in America today. I hope you can keep control of your own mind so you can help your children do the same. If you help begin a world in which God is sovereign, then your sons and daughters will not be forced to give allegiance to humbugs. What will you teach your children? Show me on this spectrum:
Man's Rule (Allegiance to man) (Sadness) | God's Rule (Allegiance to God) (Happiness) |
Rather than kill others in time of war as required by man-made law, some men have refused and chose to go to prison. No one had the power to force then to aim a rifle and pull the trigger. The same is true for you and me. No one can make us do anything. No one controls us. Let me tell you a story about this. Sometimes I take care of a little dog named Banjo. He is a miniature dachshund. Like Rocky, but smaller. Once he followed me as I walked down the driveway. I told him to go back to the house. He took a few steps back and then stopped. I picked up a stick and told him to go to the house. Banjo only rolled over on his back and looked at me. I could have shouted at him some more. I could have hit him with the stick. I could have carried him to the house. But Banjo chose not to return on his own four feet! I could not force Banjo. Even animals are free.
Little children understand they are free, too, without anyone telling them. Patti is three years old. She is a very nice little girl, but when I tell her to do things she puts her hands on her hips and says: You're not my mother She means I have no authority over her. That's true for me and all other adults. It will still be true when she grows up. Patti was created with this truth inside of her.
Lesson 4
The State:
Fact or Fiction?
So that you will know for sure that the State of Alaska and the United States of America are make believe, along with Demos, human law, and a lot of other things grown-ups have invented, here is a whole list of ideas. If grown-ups had not been taught as children, no one would accept the world of make believe as real. If humbugs will obey the rule about freedom of thought in the Constitution, children would never be forced to play Wizards of America again.
1. before the sixteenth century the word "state" was used to refer to the estates of the realm or to kingly office or dignity, but not to an independent political community...so long as barons could still simultaneously hold fiefs from different kings in different lands, the notion could not develop of the territorially defined state, making an exclusive claim to the allegiance of all who resided within its borders. The idea that men could be not only subjects of their kings but also citizens of their state became possible with the consolidation of national monarchies in England, France and Spain. (The Encyclopedia of Philosophy.)
2.The state is but a myth which perpetuates itself daily. (Ernest Renan, French historian, 19th century.)
3.You cannot touch or see a political institution; it can be known only by an effort of constructive imagination. (Herbert Spencer, The Man Versus the State, Liberty Classics, 1981, pg.13.)
4.Court. An incorporeal, political being...(Blacks's Law Dictionary, Revised 4th, West Publishing Co., pg. 425.)
5.Incorporeal...such as the mind alone can perceive. (Ibid.,pg.907.)
6. Monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy are but creatures of imagination; and a thousand such may be contrived as well as these. (Thomas Paine, Rights of Man.)
7.Law too becomes fiat law, fantasy law, because it is basic to sin to play god and to fantasize about a new world created by the mind of man. It is no longer necessary to go to an amusement park or to Disneyland to enter a world of fantasy; this can be done far more systematically and rigourously in most courts of law. (Law and Society, Rousas John Rushdooney, Ross House Books, 1982, pg. 546.)
8.In his treatise Of Civil-Government, Book II, Chapter X, paragraph 12, John Locke tells us that "the law of nature is as intelligible and plain to a rational creature and studier of that law, as the positive laws of commonwealths; nay possibly plainer, as much as reason is easier to be understood than the fantasies and intricate contrivances of men following contrary and hidden interest put into words, for so truly are a great part of municipal laws of countries, which are only so far right as they are founded on the Law of Nature, by which they are to be regulated and interpreted." [Since God created nature,the law of nature is the law of God. Bob]
9.The only thing that permits any of these Nations to exist, is the belief in the minds of almost all the persons penned inside these frontiers...This ancient belief in Authority is the whole basis of such shadowy "nationalism" as actually exists. (The Discovery of Freedom, Rose Wilder Lane, Arno Press & The New York Times, 1972, Pgs 139-140.)
10.Democracy means rule by the people...Demos, The People, was a fantasy imagined by the ancient Greeks, in their search for The Authority that (they imagined) controlled men. To this fantasy they attached the meaning of God, which always attaches to every form of Authority...(Ibid., Pg. 178.)
11. Since the late Neolithic times, men in their political capacity have lived almost exclusively by myths.(The Market for Liberty, Morris and Lindal Tannehill,[Society Without Government], Arno Press and the New York Times, 1972, pg.1.)
12.The belief that the people of a democracy rule themselves through their elected representatives, though sactified by tradition and made venerable by multiple repetition, is actually mystical nonsense. (Ibid., pg.34)
13.Government is an artificial construct...(Ibid., pg. 118.)
14. Government is now known for what it is. It belongs in the dark past with the rest of man's superstitions.(Ibid., pg.169.)
15.A belief in the sovereign power of political machinery is nothing less than a gross delusion. ([quoting Spencer],Our Enemy the State, Albert Jay Nock, The Caxton Printers Ltd., 1959, pg.56.)
16. Let us glance at some of the queer creatures created by personifying abstractions in America. Here in the center is a vast figure called the Nation...Close behind rears a sinister shape, the Government...High in the heavens is the Constitution...Below floats the Supreme court...Somewhere above the Rocky Mountains are lodged the vast stone tablets of the Law...Confronting them, shield in hand and a little cross-eyed from trying to watch both at once, is the colossal figure of Democracy...
Those who deliberately teach people to fly from reality though cults, mythologies and dogmas are helping them to be insane, to deal with phantoms, to create dream states. (The Tyranny of Words, Stuart Chase, Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1938, pgs. 23-28.)
17.No other animal produces verbal monsters in his head and projects them on the world outside his head.(Ibid., pg 14.)
18.It was Tucker's point that there was no logical stopping place, once the individual began the process of rejecting authority, short of total rejection..."The man who clings to that superstition known as the State, and boasts of having flung away the fetters of theology and priest-craft, does not understand himself."(Men Against the State, James J. Martin, Ralph Myles Pub., 1970, pg. 214, note 52.)
19.In all our contemplations, however, concerning this feigned and artificial person [the state of Georgia], we should never forget, that, in truth and nature, those who think and speak and act, are men.(Chisholm vs. Georgia, 2 U.S. (Dall) 419, 455.)
20. This belief (statism) has been growing very rapidly in the last century. It is now held more widely, perhaps, than any other theory of politics, and is often maintained with a passionate enthusiasm inversely proportioned to the understandings of its dangers.(Man's Unconquerable Mind, Gilbert Highet, Columbia University Press, 1954, pg. 98.)
21. Larger collections of us-cities, for instance-hardly ever get anything right. And, of course, there is the modern nation, probably the most stupefying example of biological error since the age of the great reptiles, wrong at every turn, but always felicitating itself loudly on its great value. It is a biological, as much so as a coral reef or a rain forest, but such things as happen to human nations could never happen in a school of fish, it is, when you think about it, a humiliation, but then "humble" and "human" are cognate words. We are smarter than the fish, but their instructions come along in their eggs; ours we are obliged to figure out, and we are, in this respect, slow learners. (Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony, Lewis Thomas, pgs 161-162.)
This is a very important lesson. Please study it carefully. Some of the quotations you won't be able to understand the first time through. You may have to read them over and over and think about it for some time. See if you can find the United States and the State of Alaska on the spectrum of government:
Man's Rule (Fantasy) | God's Rule (Reality) |
Lesson 5
Mind Control in the Classroom
If they knew they were free to choose, how many would freely and willingly choose statism and nationalism given its bloody history? How many young men would pick up a rifle, travel halfway around the world to kill total strangers on the orders of cigar-smoking old humbugs whose stomachs hang over their belts? Very few. To maintain the nation-state world system, mind control, starting as early as possible, is essential. This fact is widely acknowledged.In his book, Man's Unconquerable Mind, Gilbert Highet says that we are engaged in a war for the enslavement or liberation of the mind of humanity. Highet sees three possiblities for the future: the expansion of knowledge, self-destruction, or thought control:
"The third possibility is that human thought will be deliberately and forcibly controlled and limited. This also has already happened a number of times in history; it is happening now...It is easy...to silence all questioning of established systems of belief and to regard critics as heretics, heretics as damned criminals. Throughout much civilized history most people have lived within such systems, approving the condemnation of heretics. Accordingly, it is perfectly possible that, within the next century or so, all human thought will be fitted into one or more new systems, with all the usual accompaniments of quasi-divine authority, group solidarity, and emotional satisfaction."
In America if your thought does not fit into the system of democracy and statism, experience shows you quickly become a criminal. The war rages violently every day over the minds of children. In a textbook on international politics we learn that:
From early childhood every human being is molded into a territorial being. Political leaders in all eras seem to have recognized the proper presentation of history as an important source of national enthusiasm. Glorification of past achievements may help a group overcome a distressing period or regain a lost sense of identity and self-confidence. An overwhelming stream of embellished memories, myths and legends is produced in every nation by the government, the schools, the army, mass communications media, patriotic organizations, historians, philosophers, poets and artists. An aggregate of human beings is transformed into a collective person, endowed with feelings, memories, pride, sorrow, and hopes-in another words, with a 'soul'.
(Here is the fantasy: the people become The People, Demos with a soul, the Greek myth that was believed to rule on earth long ago is now back.)
Indoctrination by history textbooks is not, of course, a Greek, Turkish, Arab, or Israeli specialty. All national communities engage in it.
Throughout the world , when the school takes over from the family, it only contiues the nationalist indoctrination, usually at the cost of historical truth. From 1963 to 1966 a team of British and American historians engaged in a study of national bias in the secondary-school history textbooks of the two nations. National bias was found in all American and British history texts.
Whether it lacks one at its inception or not, every nation sooner or later acquires a meaningful history. Then, in due course, scholarly history books, textbooks, political speeches, monuments, national holidays, a national anthem, songs, poems, and children's stories will glorify and embellish the nation's past; how it started, built itself, fought, suffered and endured. An emotional and powerful identification of the people with one another and with the nation's past achievements will result. A nation does not spontaneously become an ultimate point of reference for loyalty and political action. It is a result of manifold pressures, manipulations, and messages that stress common experience and a common future. A mixture of rational egoism and emotional elation in response to constant prodding underlies the nationalist feeling. All states make use of symbols that are intended solely to mobilize sentiments.
Analysis of territorial nationalism has shown us how effectively individual men can be socialized into national beings...From his earliest years, like everyone else, he (the national leader) has been exposed to national myths and symbols, patriotic oratory, mass media, and history texts that glorify his nation while debasing the character and behavior of foreign nations. His mind too, like everyone else's, has stored distorted images and generalizations about his own country and foreign nations. Many of these stereotypes (which Walter Lippmann called "pictures in our head") have been based on hearsay and outright lies. Nations and Men; Duchacek; Holt, Rinehart, Winston; 1971.
You see, we have been lied to. Pictures have been put in our heads. It's no secret. Others have noticed the systematic indoctrination of young children in the name of the state:
A general state education is a mere contrivance for molding people to be exactly like one another; and as the mold in which it casts them is that which pleases the predominant power in the government,...it establishes a despotism over the mind, leading by natural tendency to one over the body. John Stuart Mills, The Occult Technology of Power, pg. 31.
All totalitarian movements are vitally concerned with the indoctrination of the young. Both Mussolini and Hitler organized youth before their rise to power. Friedreich and Brzezinski, Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy, pgs 60-69.
Education of the young is used to condition them to what comes later, thereby eliminating the difference between propaganda and education. Propaganda cannot work effectively without education. The mind is conditioned with vast amounts of information posing as 'facts' and 'knowledge' despensed for ulterior motives. Remember the first principle behind mental programming: distraction. With propaganda, distraction focuses attention on information that is false. Repetition of the false information imbeds it in your subconscious mind so that your acceptance of its truth and accuracy becomes a conditioned response, circumventing analysis. Therefore, you accept this information as true without thinking about it. This is especially true in school where there is pressure to accept what is presented as true because that is what is expected from you. Remember that your trust in the source of information determines whether or not you accept it. What people think can be controlled by controlling information. People can be led to believe something that is not true when that information is presented by an accepted authority. Steven Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States, pgs 32,33.
'Often beliefs that we hold are never called into question; when they are not, it is relatively easy for us to lose sight of why we hold them,' says psychologist Elliot Aronson in the Socail Animal. Winn, The Manipulated Mind, pg.36. Our beliefs are often based on something other than personal experience. Beliefs acquired during childhood indoctrination at home, school and church often masquerade as knowledge. Such indoctrination means that the individual takes on conclusions of others instead of arriving at his own. We tend to protect what we believe and unconsciously filter out information we don't want to recieve. Most of us are programmed without being aware of it. A child learns that his needs will more likely be met if he conforms to what is expected of him. Society and its institutions teach and reward conformity and obedience to authority. What this does is discourage the individual from serious challenge to authority. (Winn, Ibid., pgs 36-53). Jacobson, Ibid.,pgs 44-45.
Serious challenge to authority means telling wizards they are only common men and humbugs, just like they did in the Declaration of Independence. It means refusing to do what wolf-men tell you to do.
Girls, in this lesson you learn that grown-ups want to conrol your mind and program you with their fantasy world. You should be able to deprogram yourself or prevent it from happening in the first place. I hope you can. Maybe your parents will help you. Can you show me where the United States and the State of Alaska are on the spectrum of government?
Man's rule (Lies) (Mind Control) | God's Rule (Truth) (Free Thought) |
Lesson 6
Democracy is Dreadful
Plato divided all human governments into three kinds: Monarchy, Aristocracy and Democracy. He judged democracy to be the least desirable. Plato taught that democracies degenerate into tyranny. He thought that the very best government was theocracy, but he considered that to be impossible. Plato was not a Christian. The Good News of God's Kindgom had not yet been proclaimed to the Greeks. See if you can guess who said this:
Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have every been found incompatable with personal security and the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.
This means that democracy is bad. Who do you think said this? Was it European royalty, a king or and aristocrat, someone with an interest in seeing the American idea of government fail? Or maybe a communist or anarchist? Actually, these are the words of the fourth president of the United States, James Madison. How could Madison, knowing the truth about democracy, support it and take part in it? One possible reason is found in the compact system of government. Membership in the state was understood to be voluntary. Did any of us ever have an opportunity to volunteer to be citizens of the state? Were we ever informed that we had a choice in the matter of obedience to human law? Keep in mind a distiction was made between human law and divine law. Only the former was subject to consent.
Today, the American legal system doesn't even recognize divine law. There is only human law which covers everything from murder to buckling your seatbelts. The idea of voluntary social compact between free and equal men living under God's rule has been replaced. Democracy was known to be oppressive and dangerous. If understood to be voluntary its many short-comings are of no consequence. It is a suitable association for free me. But compulsory democracy is suitable only for tyrants and their slavish subjects, for those who have lost the concept of freedom and equality.
Alexis de Tocqueville was a Frenchman who visited America in the mid-1800's and made a few interesting observations about democracy:
"The public, therefore, among democratic people, has a sigular power, which aristocratic nations cannot conceive; for it does not persuade others to its beliefs, but it imposes them and makes them permeate the thinking of everyone by sort of enormous pressure of the mind of all upon the individual intelligence.
The intellectual dominion of the greater number would probably be less absolute among a democratic people governed by a king than in the sphere of a pure democracy, but it will always be extremely absolute; and by whatever political laws men are governed in the ages of equality, it may be foreseen that faith in public opinion will become for them a species of religion, and the majority its ministering prophet.
And I perceive how,under the dominion of certain laws, democracy would extinguish that liberty of the mind to which a democratic social condition is favorable; so that, after having broken all the bondage once imposed on it by ranks or by men, the human mind would be closely fettered to the general will of the greatest number.
If the absolute power of a majority were to be substituted by democratic nations for all the different powers that checked or retarded over much the energy of individual minds, the evil would only have changed character. Men would not have found the means of independent life; they would simply have discovered (no easy task) a new physiognomy of servitude. There is, and I cannot repeat it too often, there is here matter of profound reflection to those who look on freedom of thought as a holy thing and who hate not only the despot, but despotism. For myself, when I feel the hand of power lie heavy on my brow, I care but little to know who oppresses me; and I am not the more disposed to pass beneath the yoke because it is held out to me by the arms of a million men.
Those certain laws closely fettering the mind have been in place now for three generations. The chains of servitude which have bound us to the will of the majority were forged in the public classroom. In Lesson 5 it has been shown that indoctrination in America has become common place. Existing below the level of conscious perception, this long standing program of thought control would be righteously denied by most grown-ups. Yet, for one centralized government to extend its control effectively over a vast land area inhabited by people from diverse cultural, racial, religious, and political backgrounds, there must be a uniformity in fundamental presuppositions and loyalties. Without this uniformity of thought nation-states cannot exist. Indeed, thought is the substance of their existence.
In order for democracy to work it demands unquestioning faith in the majority from its adherents. Demos is the supreme being of the American civil religion, democracy.
Some grown-ups are fond of saying that America's government is a republic not a democracy. This is not true. God is America's King. Republic is just another word for the state. Another Frenchman, Jean Bodin, believed that men shoud be ruled by kings. So, just before 1600 he made up the word sovereignty and wrote a book about it to help humbugs control people's thinking. He said:
"The state, the republic, is a lawful government of the several households composing it. The state arises when each head of a household, each pater familias, acts in concert with the others...At the head of this group of house-holds is the sovereign (the king), the administrator of the republic, whose task is the proper government of the households composing the state."
The, in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy,, Macmillan, Volume 1, page 326, we learn:
Bodin's whole political philosophy rests on the doctrine of sovereignty. Sovereignty is defined in the Republic as'...the absolute and perpetual power of a Republic, that is to say the active form and personification of the great body of a modern State.'
Find America's present government on the spectrum. Find Bodin.
Man's Rule (Democracy/Monarchy) (Republic/State) | God's Rule (Theocracy) (No State) |